
Speed Scrap by Mirelle Candeloro

Meninas, vcs não podem perder o meu Speed Scrap nessa terça lá na SNP. Apesar de eu estar ausente e no hospital (esse post foi previamente programado), a Lori, dona da loja, vai hostear ele para mim, e o prêmio é maravilhoso!! Para todas as meninas que participarem do desafio, ganharão meu Mini Kit Friends of Santa. Vcs não podem perder, espero vcs por lá!!
Girls, you can not miss my Speed ​​Scrap in SNP on Tuesday. While I was away and in the hospital (this post was previously programmed), Lori, the owner of the shop will hoster for me (Thanks Lori), and the prize is wonderful! For all girls who participate in the challenge, will win my Mini Kit Friends of Santa. You guys can not lose, I wait you there!
LinkEste será o prêmio do desafio para todas as participantes, lindo né?
This is will be the prize for all of girls who will participate in the challenge, is not it lovely?

Fiz este layout com meu Bundle Friends of Santa para inspirar vocês!!
I made this layout with my Friends of Santa - Bundle, to inspire you!!


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